
Branding / Creative / Media, Social & PR, Strategy, Technology

Mayden specialise in creating software that allows healthcare organisations around the UK to provide life-saving services. Being innovative software developers, they built Orbit, a bespoke system, to help manage their own internal workload and provide real-time visibility across the business. They saw potential in the Orbit system as a product, but were unsure where it would sit in the marketplace – or who their audience would be. They approached AUK to position the product and create a compelling campaign.

The solution

Our creative brought to life the concept of ‘Doing more with less’, allowing SMEs to get maximum impact from Orbit’s mini enterprise system. Crafted visual metaphors helped to quickly convey this complex message in a series of quirky concepts.

These were designed to grab attention quickly – to encourage people to pause scrolling through their LinkedIn feed, before reading the copy that would explain the proposition. Once we had their attention, we drove them to the revamped website, where they could gain a deeper understanding of the product features and benefits. Promoting these through a targeted LinkedIn campaign, we drove highly engaged traffic to the website.

The results

We helped Mayden unlock the value in their Orbit software and our quirky creative interpretation of the benefits of the product drove new sectors to their website to find out more.

“Creative for a B2B audience doesn’t have to be dull. We are never selling to businesses, but people within those businesses. And people prefer a human approach.” – CEO, Mayden