Teachers Assurance move Direct Strategy and Digital Account into AgencyUK

AUK News Brand Creative Digital
Teachers Assurance appoint AgencyUK marketing

Teachers Assurance, the 5th largest friendly Society in the UK and the only endorsed provider of financial services to the National Union of Teachers have appointed Bath based communications specialists TheAgency to plan and launch their direct sales channel online.

TheAgency team have extensive experience in the financial services sector, having developed similar direct response advertising initiatives for insurers and banks in the past. Digital channels now make up the majority of the media landscape, and integrating online and offline communications is essential when planning the optimum customer experience, and looking to convert a higher percentage of sales.

We are delighted to have appointed TheAgency, as they bring strong financial and online retail experience to the marketing team. Teachers Assurance has a long history in providing information, education and support to those in the education sector. Our products and services are designed to help teachers benefit from greater financial security, which in turn helps them to enjoy life more. As a mutual organisation we exist for the benefit of our members and are committed to building on previous success. TheAgency are well placed to bring our business strategy to life, creatively and technically says Wendie Michie, Commercial Director at Teachers Assurance.

TheAgency, now in its fifth year, has had considerable success helping a number of household brand names regain their market leading positions, having been appointed and retained by British School of Motoring in 2009 and Del Monte Europe in 2010.

“The convergence of media channels and the onset of new technology means there are many more ways for companies to engage their future customers and vice versa. Any successful communications strategy now has digital at its heart, but the real skill lies in integrating online and offline channels, and unifying the overall brand experience for people. Teachers Assurance has a phenomenally strong brand and reputation with teachers and their members alike. Everything we do will be designed to leverage that reputation, help understand and service their members needs online and advance their business” says Saman Mansourpour, Partner at TheAgency.