Digital Marketing Predictions For The Year Ahead

Digital Media Agency User Experience

A recent prediction from the chief executive of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) UK, who claims that the future of digital marketing is more than obvious – we are already witnessing it! Here are some of the developments Phillipson believes will mark the industry in the new year.

The rapid spread of devices and platforms and the everyday innovations popping up in the field, which are inevitably leading to higher interaction and transaction levels, involve dealing with immense data volumes. In today’s data-driven society and in view of the constantly provoking economic climate, measuring information has never been that important. Information is crucial for the digital advertising industry as well, which will keep extracting meaning from data amongst its top priorities this year.

Smartphones and tablets are taking over the world and, according to Phillipson, 2013 will be the first year that will see most Britons switching to hand-held and portable devices in order to go online. The use of mobile phones and tablets is changing consumers’ behaviour at a rate faster than anyone could have imagined; we can even see grandmothers taking and posting pictures of their grandchildren on Facebook, kids creating digital artwork and learning music online via hand-held devices, he said.

The future in digital marketing is now and marketers should know that old techniques won’t work in an era in which the modern, innovative and creative are becoming the norm.