30% Of People Most Engaged With TV Ads During Movies

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Recent Avid-sponsored research study conducted by Ovum, based on responses from over 3,000 people in the UK, US, Germany and Brazil, reveals that in terms of genre, 29.8% of people feel most engaged with TV advertising content that is aired during movies. TV audiences feel less interested when watching ads during kids shows (13.6%). They feel most indifferent to commercials appearing when watching dramas (13%) and most willing to change the channel when watching kids shows (9.4%).

Audiences’ willingness to watch advertising content during commercial breaks also depends on the editorial content quality. About two-thirds of the survey respondents admit they would keep watching TV ads if both the editorial content and the advertising content provide value. Nevertheless, fewer respondents stated they watch commercials because they appear to be entertaining, the Marketing Charts reports.

When asked about features that made them engage with the last ad they saw on TV, the majority of people (47%) said they enjoyed an ad because it was humorous. This correlates with results from previous studies suggesting that ‘fun’ contributes to commercials’ greater effectiveness, as it makes consumers more likely to remember a product.