New Mums Are A Valuable Target Group For Brands

Mum Shop Online Consumers

In the UK, 82% of mums with children aged under five go online more than once a day; this not only suggests that new mothers are among the most digitally-savvy consumers on the market, but also indicates that brands who target this particular demographic are likely to see an impressive online reaction.

According to Kantar Media’s TGI Clickstream poll, new mums are also huge fans of social media platforms: they are 60% more likely than other Internet users to agree that they ‘need’ to visit such channels at least once a day. Social media sites dominate the browsing activities of new mums, the report also showed.

Mothers of young children are also very active in forums, which provides marketers with a valuable opportunity to engage with their target audience directly. Some 27% of new mums agree that they tend to be influenced by other users’ comments and reviews seen in discussion forums.

Shopping is another regular activity of plugged-in new mothers. E-commerce allows 58% of mums save valuable time and concentrate on more important tasks. Mothers in the UK are also over two times more likely to shop with a brand that offers online delivery services than average consumers.

The research also suggests that staying online whilst on the go is also important for mothers. This is true not only in the UK but on a global scale. In Britain, young mums are 31% more likely than other demographics to go online via their mobile device at least once a day.