Cars In Videos Keep Viewers Gripped Until The End


Fresh research from video technology company Coull has revealed that online videos featuring cars have the best chance of grabbing UK viewers’ attention and making them watch the video to the very end. The percentage of participants who said they watch car videos from start to finish was 61%, The Drum reports.

The other two main attention grabbers were people and blogs, with 52% of respondents saying they watched such videos until the end, and travel and events, which caught and held the attention of 51% of respondents. Pets and animals came in fourth, with 49% of respondents saying they watched videos featuring them until the end. Interestingly, sports events tended to lose their hold over their viewers around three-quarters of the way through the video, with the number of viewers dropping to 62% halfway through and to 43% by the end of the video.

Such figures are especially topical for any brands investing in video during the World Cup. Coull chief executive Irfon Watkins suggests that publishers should provide viewers with access to video content that is more category-specific and therefore more appealing to them, such as match highlights or previews. The Coull study was based on engagement levels for 12 million video plays that took place in May.

Globally, the UK ranked behind the US and South Africa in terms of viewer video completion. In the US and South Africa nearly half of all videos were watched through to the end, while the average for the UK was 41%. This does, however, put the UK well ahead of Russia, with 18%, and Japan, with 20%.