25% Of Hotel-Related Searches Come From Mobile

Hotel marketing local search

A recent report from SEO and PPC consulting and technology specialist Greenlight revealed that as many as 2.5 million Britons looked for hotels online in May, with 21% using their mobile to search for accommodation. The proportion of online hotel searches made via a mobile device totalled 522,115 queries.

Greenlight’s quarterly Hotels Sector Report is based on an analysis of the terms local consumers type in when visiting Google UK to find hotels both at home and abroad. It also ranks providers that were featured most often in searches on both computers and smart devices.

London and York accounted for the bulk of searches made by mobile consumers looking for accommodation at home, attracting 13% and 3% of queries, respectively. The number of mobile searches relating to hotels in the country reached a combined 307,786.

The term UK consumers used more often when making a query was “hotels,” making up 6% of mobile searches, while “cheap hotels” was the second most popular term, with 4% of results.

In the short-haul destination category, the largest number of searches via a smartphone or a tablet was related to accommodation in Amsterdam. On computers, the city attracting the most queries was Paris.

Dubai was the city garnering the highest number of mobile searches on the long-haul front. The most searched city for hotels on computers was New York.