Facebook Most Trusted Social Media Site For Product Reviews


Facebook is the most frequently used platform because it is the social media site that active users trust the most, results from a recent Social Media Link survey suggest.

After analysing responses from over 10,000 social media users, the influencer activation company established that Facebook is more trusted than Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube, triggering more activity than any other social media channel or retail website as a result.

According to the findings, as much as 68% of active social media users believe in the reliability of product and service recommendations seen on Facebook. Pinterest is trusted by 56% of users, while YouTube and Twitter are credited by a respective 51% and 41% of respondents. For marketers, this should mean allowing consumers to easily share branded posts with their Facebook community, Social Media Link advises.

Personal stories and real-life experiences with brands are the reviews people cherish the most, according to 40% of the sample. Reviews containing lists of product advantages were valued by 34% of respondents, while star-ratings were favoured by just 15%. This should suggest to marketing professionals that stimulating users to share their personal stories is more important than trying to push brand messaging through consumers, the expert said.

The survey further indicates that quantity doesn’t always guarantee a purchase, since most people admit that looking through less than ten reviews could drive them towards making a purchase. This suggests that marketers should better focus on deploying content that has the power to influence than zero in on the number of recommendations related to their brand.