Social Media Users Happy To Share Funny Content

AUK on Social Media Marketing

Marketers betting on interesting and funny content are the most likely to see their posts shared by users on social media platforms. According to findings from an Ipsos report I read recently, 61% of consumers across the globe shared content over the last month purely driven by their desire to “post interesting stuff”.

The survey, among 12,420 online users, also points to consumers’ desire to post content containing important information or to evoke laughter among internet friends. This is evident from the fact that 43% of respondents agreed they were happy to share important and funny things on social media.

Ipsos talked to online users across 24 countries, with 71% of them stating they have shared content in the past month on social media channels.

Another major reason for sharing is to let others know what they believe in and who they really are, as mentioned by four in ten respondents. This suggests that many global users now seek to identify themselves with the content they post on the web.

As much as 30% of “sharers” also share content to recommend a product or a service, while 29% choose to do so to demonstrate their support to a cause, an organisation or a belief. Some 26% said they feel motivated to share content which features “unique stuff” and 22% want others to be informed of what they are doing. One in five of respondents want to add a thread or conversation by sharing content and one in ten is determined to prove he/she is “in the know” regarding a particular event.